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Volunteer research

Research Date:#

  • Current: 4/20/22 - Present

Current Status#

  • In Progress

Outstanding task items#

  • Long Term Volunteer Interviews
  • Synthesis and Analysis of Interviews
  • Long Term Volunteer Persona


Research Plan (including Audience Identification documentation):#


Interviews recordings & Transcripts:#

Synthesis (Miro or Figjam):#

Presentation of Findings:#

  • TBD

Action Items Spreadsheet:#

Additional data:#

The following links contain volunteer insights directed at homepage redesign, but contain data relevant for persona creation. - Homepage interview questions - volunteers - Quantitative data - homepage interviews - Miro board containing volunteer insights - This issue is part of an epic issue - Interview Guide - Interview Script (Longterm Volunteers) - Long Term Volunteer User Survey - Long Term Volunteer Interviewee List - Potential Volunteers