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Toolkit Page Recommended by Filter Test#

Research Date:#

October 2022

Summary of Research#

The purpose of this research is to uncover the value of including a “Recommended by” filter within the HfLA website. More specifically, this research will consider if including the filter will add value for 4 types of users: 1) Contributors 2) Hack for LA website users 3) Donors and 4) Organizations. This research will be used to conduct a usability test to assess the overall value of the “Recommended by” filter to help evaluate future iterations of the website.

The “Recommended by” filter is designed to allow volunteers to highlight projects they have done or softwares they have used.


Do users understand the “Recommended by” filter option and what, if any, value is added by including this filter within the HfLA website?


  1. Do users understand what the filter “Recommended by” means?
  2. What are the users thoughts regarding the purpose of the filter?

  3. How do users evaluate the credibility of the filter?

  4. Would users utilize this filter option?

  5. How do contributors/HfLA website users/donors/organizations use the website?

  6. How would users utilize this filter to achieve their goals?

  7. Does the filter help users achieve their goals?


Method 1: Usability test with defined groups Purpose: To understand the value of including the “Recommended by” filter within the HfLA website Protocol: Conduct 4-5 usability tests with the 4 types of HfLA users Contributors: HFLA volunteers (UX researchers, UX designers, developers, and product managers) HFLA website users: existing and prospective users of the website Donors: users that donate to HFLA (i.e. individual donors and corporate donors) Organizations: i.e. nonprofit and private partners

Current Status#

Research on this was halted.

All Issues#

Outstanding task items#


Research Plan

Research Plan (including Audience Identification documentation)#


Interview recordings & Transcripts#

Synthesis (Miro or Figjam)#

Presentation of Findings#

Action Items Spreadsheet#

The last review was completed by Vaisali k on 02-08-2023 on issue #