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Navigation Tab Research : Usability test#

Research Date:#

Start Date June 2022

Summary of Research#

The purpose of this study is to test the ease of use of the top navigation menu (mobile) for issue #2513


The purpose of this study is to address:
* Are users able to access site content using the top navigation menu on mobile? * Does the user expect the menu categories to have a dropdown affordance? * Do chevrons help indicate the existence of submenus?


Ensure mobile users are able to access website content using the top navigation menu.


  • Moderated Usability Testing

    Participants: 5-8 current and potential Hack for LA volunteers

Current Status#

  • Awaiting functioning prototype to write a script for testing.

All Issues#

Outstanding task items#


Research Plan (including Audience Identification documentation)#

-Research Plan


Consent form

Interview recordings & Transcripts#

Synthesis (Miro or Figjam)#

Presentation of Findings#

Action Items Spreadsheet#

The last review was completed by Vaisali Krishna Kumar on 2022-08-01 on issue #2686