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Homepage Redesign Research#

Research Date:#

Summary of Research#

We started the new homepage mockups from scratch because most of the current homepage is being moved to a dedicated Projects page. We based the mockups off of standards on other nonprofits’ websites, as well as our needs for the HfLA homepage. Then we conducted research to validate and iterate the designs based on our findings.



The main goal of this study is to guide the redesign of HfLA’s homepage so that it will: * Attract volunteers, donors, partners, and advisors to HfLA * Improve upon the current homepage, which is dominated by a very long scroll of projects


C&C Analysis, Interview, Preference testing.

Current Status#

All Issues#

Outstanding task items#



Research Plan (including Audience Identification documentation)#

Homepage Redesign Research Plan


A script to recruit participants-individual and corporate donors Interview Questions Volunteers

Interview recordings & Transcripts#

Individual Donors * Participant 1: Interview, Homepage review and Preference Testing_001, Demographic Survey_001, Video

Volunteers * Participant 1 and 2 * Participants 3 * Participant 4

Synthesis (Miro or Figjam)#

Research Synthesis

Presentation of Findings#

Individual Donor Research Findings Volunteer Research Findings C&C Analysis

Action Items Spreadsheet#

Homepage Action Items

The last review was completed by name____ on date_ on issue #