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Member Feature Page Research#

Research Date:#

Started June 2021

Summary of Research#


What do users, including recruiters and general volunteers, want to see on this page?


The Member Feature page aims to highlight certain job-ready volunteers at Hack for LA in a way that showcases their talent, personality, aspirations, and accomplishments. It can also serve as a platform for highlighting members from marginalized, underrepresented backgrounds.

By featuring some of our driven volunteers, we open opportunities for recruiters to connect with socially conscious candidates with a glimpse of their personalities. It’s also a way for newcomers to get a view of what a stellar volunteer at Hack for LA looks like.


To be decided

Current Status#

  • Incomplete research plan
  • Research yet to be conducted

All Issues#

Outstanding task items#

  • Create Issues to complete the research plan and conduct research.


Research Plan (including Audience Identification documentation)#

Research Questions - Research plan

Research Plan (Incomplete)


Interview recordings & Transcripts#

Synthesis (Miro or Figjam)#

Presentation of Findings#

Action Items Spreadsheet#

The last review was completed by name____ on date_ on issue #