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About the Website Development Team#

Team Levels#

The Hack for LA Website Development Team is a Level 1 Team. This means we have a support system to help all new developers learn the basics. When you join, you'll start at Level 1 and go through a learning process. The goal is to get you familiar with how we do things. Once you've learned enough and are doing well, you can move on to a Level 2 team for more advanced work.

Technologies Used#

Our tech stack consists of both front-end and back-end technologies:

  • Front-end: Our front-end is built using the following languages and libraries:

    • HTML
    • SCSS
    • JavaScript
  • Back-end and DevOps: For back-end and development operations, we rely on:

    • GitHub Actions
    • Google Apps Script

Developer Expectations#

When you join the Hack for LA Website Development Team, there are certain expectations:

Time Commitment#

  • Weekly Hours: A minimum of 6 hours per week is required, not including vacations or weeks off.


  • Time Off: If you plan to take a week off or go on a longer vacation, notify the tech leadership team. This can be done through a Slack message in the hfla-site channel and an @ mention in the comment section of the issue you're working on.


  • Mandatory: Attend at least one of the following meetings each week:
    • All team weekly meeting (UX/UR, Development, Product) — Sundays 10am-12 noon Pacific Time.
    • Developer (front-end/back-end) weekly team meeting — Tuesdays 7-8 pm Pacific Time.
    • Developer Office Hours meeting — Thursdays 7-8 pm Pacific Time.

Issue Handling#

  • Work on one issue at a time.
  • Wait until your pull request is merged before working on another issue.

Skill Progression#

Start with issues of increasing complexity in the following order:

graph LR

A(Good first issue #1)
B(Good first issue #2)

  A --> B
  B --> C
  C --> D
  D --> E

  style A fill:#7057FF33,stroke:#7057ff;
  style B fill:#7057FF33,stroke:#7057ff;
  style C fill:#C5DEF533,stroke:#c5def5;
  style D fill:#1C79AF33,stroke:#1c79af;
  style E fill:#0717FC33,stroke:#0717fc;

Exceptions to these expectations can be discussed with the tech leadership team on a case-by-case basis.