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This is the template to be used for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) yml files in the _data/internal/sdgs directory. Here is an example file: [INSERT LINK TO EXAMPLE HERE]

# The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number (e.g. 16)
# The color name of the SDG image. This is based on its associated color variable without the `$color-` portion.
# The path to the SDG image
# The alt text for the SDG image
  # The SDG target (e.g. 8) and its statement in key-value pair format.
  8: Broaden and strengthen the awareness and participation of City and local communities, especially those traditionally underserved and marginalized, in the institutions of local and global governance 


For example, SDG 16's color variable is $color-royalblue, so its color would be royalblue. [NEED TO EXPLAIN WHERE THE VARIABLES ARE AND MAYBE HOW TO APPLY IT IN CODE.]