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Citizen Engagement#

Purpose of page#

  • Allow volunteers to find projects based on the program area(s) they are interested in

Technical details#

  • URL:
  • GitHub locations (includes any relevant html, css, yml, md, js files)

  • pages/citizen-engagement.html: Current HTML file for the Citizen Engagement page

  • _includes/program-area-pages-cards.html: HTML file that provides the layout/format for each card on the Citizen Engagement page
    • This file used to be called citizen-engagement-cards.html.
  • _sass/components/_citizen_engagement.scss: Current SCSS file for the Citizen Engagement page
  • assets/js/citizen-engagement.js
  • _projects: The directory for each project's Markdown file, which contains

    • program-area field that designates which program area page a project should be on. For the Citizen Engagement page, only projects with
      - Citizen Engagement 

    and visible: true in their Markdown file are displayed on the Citizen Engagement webpage * program area detailed info (problem, solution, impact, sdg, card-image-src, card-image-alt, sdg-image-src, sdg-image-alt) that is displayed as Problem, Solution, Impact, and Sustainable Development Goal on the Citizen Engagement webpage. (Note: Not all of the projects have this information yet.) * Wiki Architecture references (includes links to details about reusable components) * Figma pages * Current Pages * * Issue Label: P-Feature: Citizen Engagement * In Issues Tab * On Project Board

Content (sections and features)#

  • Current Projects

Page screenshot (current version)#

  • Date Updated: 2023-02-27

  • Expand to see desktop view at 1440px width

  • Expand to see mobile view at 375px width with all cards collapsed
  • Expand to see mobile view at 375px width with one card expanded