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Remove files from your pull request

When you submit a pull request, make sure that you don't include any unrelated files. This will help your reviewers focus on your changes.

If you've added a file to a PR by mistake, try this to remove it:#

The following command will give you the commit hash for the last commit on the upstream/gh-pages branch

git rev-parse upstream/gh-pages

This next command reverts the file(s) that you want:

git checkout <THE COMMIT HASH FROM PREVIOUS STEP> -- <PATH OF THE FILE(S) YOU WANT TO REMOVE (separated by a space)>

Here's an example: git checkout 9af8d8c7f34cb4dfda49cd8372236f8b8bd1ea65 -- pages/wins/wins.html _sass/components/_wins-page.scss

Since you only need the first seven digits of the commit hash (aka SHA value), you can also type this:

git checkout 9af8d8c -- pages/wins/wins.html _sass/components/_wins-page.scss