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Good first issue

[Insert link to the board sorted by Good First Issue and Front End with details about which issue to choose and what to do next, edit the text below as much as desired]

Reporting progress#

  • Be sure to check the box when you finish an action item.
  • Report your progress weekly in a comment below using the following format:
    • Progress:

    • Blockers:

    • Availability
    • Estimated date of completion:

Stopping mid issue#


  • Got personally busy, can’t finish
  • Only want to do a specific type of task per interview
  • There is a blocker in the way of finishing and I still have time to work on other issues

What to do if you have to stop working mid issue:#

  • Note your progress in the checkboxes
  • Add a note in the comments with details
  • Move the issue to the questions/review column

Unassigning yourself from this issue#

If you are finished with one of the 4 Action Items and you are not going to do the next one - [ ] Move this issue from the ‘In progress’ to the ‘Prioritized Backlog’(see animated GIF below) - [ ] Unassign yourself from this issue (see animated GIF below)

Assign & Unassign yourself to this issue#

Assign & Unassign

Move this issue from the ‘Prioritized Backlog’ to the ‘In progress’ & back#

Prioritized to In progress & back