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Convert docs to markdown with existing add-on


#2978 Guides Issue #10 Comment

Problem Statement#

Converting the guides in Google Docs to Markdown so that the Markdown can be used to display the guides on our website.

Potential Solution#

Using an add-on called Docs to Markdown to automatically convert from Google Docs to Markdown language.

Feasibility Determination#

This potential solution is not feasible because of the errors and bugs encountered.

Our team had been using an add-on called Docs to Markdown to automatically convert from Docs to MD but encountered bugs after the extension's latest update as detailed below.

Technology we had been working with#

As of January 8, 2022, the Docs to Markdown Converter released an update that removes error/warning messages called reckless mode.

However, a message as seen below still appears at the top of the converted MD file and there are more issues encountered (mentioned in the next section) after converting the document.


Issues Encountered After Update#

Images are not in the correct order

Expected Output right-order

Actual Output wrong-order

Backslashes appear randomly in the file

Screenshot 2022-03-12 174359