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Link projects to Project pages


Comment on #2485

Problem Statement#

Per comment, it was proposed that a list of "good second issues" be made to add the hyperlinks to each of the projects in the .md files. Before this issue's linked pull request, the project names on the mini cards led to their page. After the pull request was merged, the project names led to their respective hackforla github pages.

Adopted Solution#

It was determined there was a more optimized solution. This issue was fixed by the method implemented in issue #3592 Link projects in program areas page to project page and its linked pull request. This method involves the following:

# Get project's filename and assign it to a variable
# Link this variable with {{project.title}}

as followed by the code:

42 {% for project in site.projects %}
43     {% for project_program in project.program-area %}
44         {% if program_areas[1].program-area == project_program %}
45             {% assign project_relative_path = project.slug | prepend: "../projects/" %}
46             <li class="project-card-mini inline-list" id="{{project.identification}}">
47                 <img class="project-card-mini-image" src="{{project.image}}" alt="{{project.image_alt}}" />
48                 <a class="project-card-mini-title" href="{{ project_relative_path }}">{{project.title}}</a>
49             </li>
50         {% endif %}
51     {% endfor %}
52  {% endfor %}

The tag .slug converts the file's name into a string, and the tag prepend: "../projects/" links the variable to the relative path of the project file in the codebase. This variable is then linked with the project.title to link the project name in the program-areas page to the actual page. This is looped through all of the .md files in the _projects collection to link all of the projects to their appropriate pages.