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How to remove extra project files from docker image

We use the .dockerignore file for this. It marks project files to skip when building the docker image.

  1. Look into the image to find extra unneeded files

    1. Run a shell in the docker image

      docker run -it image_name sh
    2. Look at the directory structure

  2. Add the extra files and paths in .dockerignore

  3. Rebuild the image

Cache mount

This helps speed up subsequent docker builds by caching intermediate files and reusing them across builds. It's available with docker buildkit. The key here is to disable anything that could delete the cache, because we want to preserve it. The cache mount is not going to end up in the docker image being built, so there's no concern about disk space usage.

Put this flag between RUN and the command

  pip install -r requirements.txt

For pip, the files are by default stored in /root/.cache/pip. Pip caching docs For apk, the cache directory is /var/cache/apk/. APK wiki on local cache


Reducing the image size

There are methods to do this on many levels. All of these methods contribute to reduce the final image size, either by skipping generation of intermediate files or by removing them afterward. We list the commonly-recommended methods here although we opted to use cache mount instead, which speeds up image rebuilds. The methods discussed here may be more suitable for a CI environment.

!!! Note "mkdocs-material babel dependency

`mkdocs-material` theme added `babel` as a dependency starting at version 9.2. As a result, the docker image size increased from <30MB to around 40MB. This is unavoidable.


  1. Docker cache mount

    We use this method instead of ones which disable caching. See cache mount above. There's no need to delete any files since they're in a cache mount that's not part of the docker image.


  1. Skip bytecode (.pyc) generation


    Set this environment variable


    Set the -B flag for python

    RUN python3 -B -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Pycache prefix and rm


    1. Tell python to write .pyc files in a mirror directory

      Set this environment variable to make python store all pycache bytecode files under some directory

      ENV PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX=/root/.cache/pycache/

      Use the commandline flag for python

      RUN python3 -X pycache_prefix=/root/.cache/pycache/ -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    2. Remove the files in the same RUN command by appending this to the end

      && rm -rf /root/.cache/pycache/


  1. Don't compile python into byte code

    Pass the flag into pip to skip generating pyc files during install

    RUN pip install --no-compile -r requirements.txt
  2. Disable caching

    Pip docs on caching

    Set this environment variable


    Pass this flag into pip

    RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

Clean build

Combineable flags can be passed into a docker or docker-compose build to force a clean build. See docker build options

  1. Try to download the latest base image

    docker-compose build --pull
  2. Disable caching. Build everything

    docker-compose build --no-cache